I, Hailo, went to a writing club in Burger King last night.
Writing is extremely insolar for me. I prefer writing in my own room, late at night with a few songs on a loop. Hunched over my desk like a gremlin. I like to be as unaware of myself as possible, which isn’t easy to do in a room with other people.
Still, I suspended my disbelief and wrote a few things in my notebook and I would like to share one of them:
I don’t know when it happened. When it became hard to smile at other people who smiled at me.
I look soft.
I look kind.
I am instinctively cynical because I once was not and the world chewed me up.
It only liked the aftertaste — the one you get at the end once you’ve chewed and ground to a wad in your molars.
All without asking. Touching. Taking a picture. Leaving without saying goodbye.
I love the coolness inside of me. It took long enough to get there.
At least I’m the one who gets to bite now.
Thank you to
for a wonderful writing club and an evening in the two-story Burger King. I had a nice time.xo
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