little death :

•complaining about waking up early. I actually really enjoy it idk why I pretend I don’t.

little delight :

•my new wildflower field guide. I really want to throw myself into botany this spring

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early mornings are so <3

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my little deaths:

•concerning myself with the illusions of insta; no longer do i feel the urge to scroll on my original page, i can’t bear it


my little delights:

•Elliott Smith

•teaching myself how to make bread from scratch; last week I made naan

•writing more songs, writing more in general and sharing it happily instead of confining it

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share your songs in the discord!!

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i didn’t know there was a discord; i will be joining and sharing stuff soon!

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Little Death - food poisoning w a six AM shift the next morning

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oh no hang in there <33

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