
yes and yes and yes

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really love this approach to it all. i've been waging a war with my screen time for what feels like a year and have recently made the first real breakthrough thanks to a subscription to an app I can't override lol. definitely prioritizing abundance mindset over a lack. less time on screen equals more time alive!

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waging war is so real! also- lmk what app you’ve been using, officially tackling social media for next week’s column and i’ll need all the reinforcement i can get 👀

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I use Stay Focused Pro version, which has typical blocking functions without the override. The paid version gives you access to a "strict mode" which doesn't let you change the blocks you've set for yourself unless you do a complicated capatcha type-thing, scan a custom QR code, or have your time run out. It even has a setting that won't let you delete the app or download new ones, so it's truly bulletproof. Pro is worth it for me bc I have historically found ways around any limits I place on myself. It's about $3 a month, which is a fair price to pay for my life back.

Stay Focused is good if not a little buggy, but similar apps do the same thing for around the same price, strict versions are always paywalled. If you have enough willpower to ignore override functions, you'll be fine with free versions.

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